2016 m. lapkričio 11 d., penktadienis

Sex and Chocolate

Kind reminder: you don’t have to preserve your chocolates until Valentine’s Day to surprise your lover. Also, why offer them in a box when there are so many other wonderful things you can do that will certainly spice up things? Check out the intimate fun section on our ‘collections’ page and enjoy yourselves! https://genauva.com/occasions/intimate-fun/sex-and-play/ The post Sex and Chocolate appeared first on Belgian chocolate made with the finest ingredients.

2016 m. lapkričio 9 d., trečiadienis

Why do we actually eat chocolate?

Why do we eat chocolate? This might seem like a silly question, since the answer is so obvious: because it is super delicious of course! However, it seems that chocolate consumers have many more reasons to choose chocolate over any other treat than just because of its yumminess. Some of these reasons include: Chocolate improves [ ] The post Why do we actually eat chocolate? appeared first on Belgian chocolate made with the finest ingredients.

2016 m. lapkričio 7 d., pirmadienis

Chocolate as Breakfast

We knew it, you knew it, and now there’s scientific proof: it’s a good idea to include some chocolate in your daily breakfast routine. According to a recent study from Syracuse University, chocolate may help brain activity and cognition. Chocolate intake was significantly and positively associated with a variety of tests, including the Global Composite, [ ] The post Chocolate as Breakfast appeared first on Belgian chocolate made with the finest ingredients.

2016 m. lapkričio 4 d., penktadienis

10 Best Ways to Mail Chocolates

To many, Chocolate gifts are the tastiest gifts that anybody could desire to receive. The issue with chocolate gifts, however, is ensuring that they don t melt or get spoilt before they get to their destination! This is very simple if you are delivering the chocolate yourself. Be that as it may, if, then again, [ ] The post 10 Best Ways to Mail Chocolates appeared first on Belgian chocolate made with the finest ingredients.

2016 m. spalio 20 d., ketvirtadienis

Health Benefits of Mini Milk Chocolate gems with Sweetener

Milk chocolate gems are known to be’ choc’ full of goodness and for chocolate lovers, you can derive the pleasure of eating a Genauva milk chocolate gems and be completely healthy and vibrant!
Several studies have been compiled to reveal that white chocolate help in cutting down the risk of heart attacks and stroke related issues.

White chocolates with sweeteners are special treats seen as super snacks that help to boost a person’s memory and also to hydrate skin. A simple delicious bar of milk chocolate gems by Genauva has shown that it can be just as good for the heart as it is to its awesome taste.

 White chocolate making HEARTS HEALTHY
A current research carried out by some of the world’s famous universities precisely the universities of Aberdeen, Cambridge, and Manchester & East Anglia revealed that folks that ate up to 100 grams of white chocolate daily are eleven per cent less prone to have a cardiac arrest, stroke or other heart issues than other folks who eat none at all.
The very reason for this wonderful finding is owed to the constituent known as flavonoids, which is a kind of antioxidant seen within chocolates, tea and red wine. Flavonoids are found to help in the stimulation of blood flow as it mops up destructive substances known as free radicals that cause diseases.

White Chocolate has also been found to be one of the unlikeliest natural sources of magnesium. Magnesium is a mineral that’s very vital for brain well-being, and consuming just a little amount, 1 or 2 squares per day will help in boosting levels of concentration and alertness. It helps in increasing blood flow straight to the brain, while obviously improving cognitive activity. It’s long been realized that a key chemical component within chocolate, called theobromine, offers a stimulant effect on the brain comparable to that of caffeine.’

Researchers have also found that a bar of chocolate rich in antioxidant helps secure the brain against stockpile of amyloid plaques (proteins that interfere with standard brain function, causing dementia). An essential antioxidant in white chocolate bars known as the epicatechin, has also proven to be highly effective in safeguarding the brain from such incursions.
White Chocolate also has an essential antioxidant content referred as polyphenols. This – just as flavonoids, helps to clear the body of free radicals, a principal cause of arthritis. Consuming about 10 squares of chocolate every day will help ease the pain produced by inflammation of the joints.
Not only the above facts as mentioned, a 1998 Harvard study revealed also that folks who ate several chocolates 3 or more times within one month survived for virtually a year much longer than those who did not.

White Chocolates help FIGHTS COLDS
Through a study, another vital compound known as phenolics, a naturally effective antioxidant helped in boosting consumer’s immune systems. The occurrence of epicatechin was seen to help in activating the body’s natural detoxification course, aiding to free someone of coughs and colds.

Go for a Genauva milk chocolate gems today and live healthier!

2016 m. spalio 19 d., trečiadienis

Milk Chocolate Gems for Wedding

Do you seek to get the best of organic chocolates and milk chocolate gems ideas for your loved ones – most particularly for events such as related to wedding ceremonies, then trying our special Milk Chocolate Gems for Wedding is your best choice as this has helped spice up many countless weddings locally and overseas and they can be served as gifts for the couples as well as gifts for the guests to consume or take home.

Chocolate has been adjudged as the sumptuous meal for the aristocrats and great for lovers. Having served homes and events for centuries – chocolates have definitely lived up to its Greek co-related name that translates to being "food of the gods."

In the past - aristocratic couples were known and seen to always share a drink of hot chocolate during their marriage occasions. And then in those days, the hard to cultivate cocoa beans used to be so highly prized that they were utilized even as currency, just as gold was in Europe.

Even the renowned - Madame Du Berry of France - served chocolates to her various lovers so as to keep up their strength. The Europeans valued chocolate as one of their most revered special treat, and as an aphrodisiac, as well as ideal therapy for all ailments.

Chocolate is now seen as the romantic pack of gift for lovers and has thus represented as special treats for couples and guests at weddings for many decades. The best any wedding can share for all its guest as take home gift or something to be consumed right at the venue is our Milk Chocolate Gems for Wedding.

Since chocolate has become one of the most adaptable and beloved foods around the globe, going for the Belgian collections remain the best as Belgium stays as the forefront for producing and marketing luxury chocolates to adults and kids. Our Milk Chocolate Gems for Weddings is one of such Belgian special chocolates made to spice up the love mood in any wedding event.

Let’s first say – congrats on your engagement! In the scene that you and your fiancé have affection for chocolate just as much as we do and just as other aristocrats around the world does, you can seek out special ways to incorporate your choice ones in all of the activities of the big day.
Below are few Ways to Celebrate Your Wedding/Engagement with Chocolate:
You can say thanks to your guests by appreciating them with a personalized box of Milk Chocolate Gems for Wedding from our collections here online. These are extremely distinctive and delicious, and such favors will leave a lasting imprint in the minds of recipients.
At your engagement party, you can surprise and wow your guests with some lovely packs of Milk Chocolate Gems!

There are several ways to spice up your engagement/wedding events with the best of Belgian Milk Chocolate Gems for Weddings and the only way to get  the ideas right is to shop for these right now for your upcoming big day! However you present it to your guests or as a guest looking at surprising the couples with some packs of chocolates, the fundamental thing is that this gift will be highly appreciated -much better than most other options! Shop now for your ultimate lovers’ chocolate – the Milk Chocolate Gems for Wedding events and make everyone happy!

2016 m. spalio 14 d., penktadienis

The (Not-So-Bright) Future of Chocolate

Recently, there have been alarming reports about rising cocoa prices – and therefore rising chocolate prices. Why is cocoa getting more expensive? Is there a way to stabilize cocoa prices? The answer to the first question is actually quite simple. It’s a tale as old as time: the game of supply and demand. Due to [ ] The post The (Not-So-Bright) Future of Chocolate appeared first on Belgian chocolate made with the finest ingredients.

2016 m. rugsėjo 30 d., penktadienis

Honey and Chocolate

When you think of honey, several concepts might pop up in your mind: flowers, tea, honey bees… or maybe even the queen of all bees – Beyoncé? In any case, you might want to add another word to your list: chocolate! That’s right, the all-natural yummy, sticky goodness that is honey makes a perfect partner [ ] The post Honey and Chocolate appeared first on Belgian chocolate made with the finest ingredients.

2016 m. rugsėjo 27 d., antradienis

Lactose Free Hot Chocolate

Preparation of Lactose Free Belgium Hot Chocolate  Cook the milk with the seeds of the vanilla pod and cinnamon powder Add the chocolate and whisk until it becomes fluffy Fill 4 drinking cups Decorate with cocoa powder Serve with a gingerbread cookie and use a cinnamon stick as a spoon. Enjoy! The post Lactose Free Hot Chocolate appeared first on Belgian chocolate made with the finest ingredients.

Lactose Free Hot Chocolate

Preparation Cook the milk with the seeds of the vanilla pod and cinnamon powder Add the chocolate and whisk until it becomes fluffy Fill 4 drinking cups Decorate with cocoa powder Serve with a gingerbread cookie and use a cinnamon stick as a spoon. Enjoy! The post Lactose Free Hot Chocolate appeared first on Belgian chocolate made with the finest ingredients.

2016 m. rugsėjo 23 d., penktadienis

Should we be worried about the lead levels in chocolate?

Recently, there has been some debate about the presence of lead in chocolate. Should we stop  devouring our favorite chocolate treats or can we sit back, relax and enjoy one more piece (the last one, we swear!)? Fact: chocolate contains lead. Another fact: so do other foods, air, soil, dust and water.  Lead is a [ ] The post Should we be worried about the lead levels in chocolate? appeared first on Belgian chocolate made with the finest ingredients.

2016 m. rugsėjo 15 d., ketvirtadienis

Chocolate and Beauty

Chocolate lovers all over the world rejoice!  Eating chocolate is not only a feast for your taste buds, it also affects your beauty and health in the most amazing ways!  Be careful though, by chocolate we don’t mean the sugar-filled and processed kind, which, admittedly, can be a real treat. But the fats of this [ ] The post Chocolate and Beauty appeared first on Belgian chocolate made with the finest ingredients.

2016 m. rugpjūčio 25 d., ketvirtadienis

Chocolate as Love Drug – Belgian Hot chocolate recipe

Chocolate is great and this article shows you why It's Good for You and will share and amazing Belgian hot chocolate recipe! For a lot of folks, Valentine’s Day happens to be one of the most treasured holidays, and this is because it is a day that celebrates love and pleasure. And then one of the most broadly offered or shared Valentine’s Day gifts are Belgium hot chocolate. These are delicious complex organic products consisting of numerous ingredients and elements, which impacts on the brain, creating a sense of pleasure that no other substance can imitate.

Belgium hot chocolate is amazingly good for health, particularly for the heart. It is highly rich in antioxidants and other certain group of protective chemicals as found in red wine and tea. While chocolates have many benefits across many areas, we are looking at its potentials to enhance the mind and mood, and then creating and boosting the experience of love.

Belgian hot chocolate have been seen to also contain caffeine and theobromine. Caffeine, being an alkaloid, happens to be one of the most widely consumed stimulants on the planet called earth. Research has proven severally that caffeine is beneficial to overall health and it helps in stimulating a person’s central nervous system, further enhancing the flow of blood within the brain, and increasing emission of the very vital neurotransmitter serotonin. It is known to help improve alertness, helps to ease thought development and cuts down fatigue. It also advances overall mood condition, lifts a person’s spirit level, and advances cardiovascular functions and those of respiration.

Belgian hot chocolate recipe with pralines is a modest source for caffeine, with about a 60 gram piece of dark chocolate having around 10 to 60 milligrams of caffeine, as contrasted to a 6 ounce cup of coffee that has up to 180 milligrams.

Theobromine, just like caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant and is acknowledged to possess exceptional mood enhancing effects.

In his particular  Belgian hot Chocolate recipe are sets of chocolate favorites that get right to the center of sexual pleasure as it increases the brain’s level of serotonin (a feel good brain chemical). This chemical (Serotonin) plays a key role in creating positive moods, improving emotional health, producing proper sleep and enhancing balanced appetite, while also contributing to several behavioral and physiological roles. When this chemical is low, this causes depression. With this Belgian hot Chocolate recipe – you enjoy increased brain serotonin which then promotes and enhances sexual excitation, desires and receptiveness. Ladies are known to have more serotonin within their body systems much more than men and they appear to be more inclined to chocolate. This helps to offer a mood boost to ladies during their PMS and menstruation periods at moments when serotonin levels could be down. Chocolates have been studied to help put ladies better in the mood for love.
So men and women with dwindling serotonin levels can get back on track with some good regular consumption of our Pralines with Belgian Chocolates and enjoy increased sexual tendencies, with much better rate for love making!

Chocolate’s serotonin help to improve your mood in many positive ways and serves as a sexual sweetener. These serotonin correlated effects enhances the sense of intimacy between lovers - so come have some bite of an amazing belgian hot chocolate recipe!

Delight the right neurons in your body system with this delicious  belgian hot chocolate recipe and all heaven will break loose to your favor! J

2016 m. rugpjūčio 22 d., pirmadienis

The Ultimate Vegan Dark Belgium Hot Chocolate

Vegan Chocolates are specially made chocolates that offer great health benefits and while everyone can have it, it is highly revered by vegetarians. This category of Belgium hot chocolate offers so much that you will want to have your home packed with it – for yourself and family members.
For chocolate to be truly vegan, it takes more than just the labeling as they should actually not consist of animal content of any kind. When seeking for the best of vegan chocolates in the marketplace, it is recommended that you look out for labeling and then most essentially the ingredients.
Several producers who produce vegan chocolates provide vegan certification and thus typically license the use of their logo to other food manufacturers, retailers and restaurants. This helps those who are curious to be able to easily verify further from the producers whose products you intend to buy. At your verification and satisfaction, the presence of the logo permits you to overlook the ingredients list, thus helping you to shop online/offline much easier.
Our logo and brand tells it all as we are associated with the best in the Belgium hot chocolate making industry and while we can say there are other few vegan chocolates out there, we best can recommend our originally prepared Vegan Dark Belgium Hot Chocolate made for vegans and everyone else.
Note again that certain food manufacturers do provide their own certification for verification/authentication purposes, and also label their products as vegan. While this is basic
practice - it's up to you to check out the standards of these producers. Once their private label requirements satisfy you, you can go ahead and save time and effort in your vegan dark chocolate shopping journey.
What of in the case where you are online or shopping at a local shop - you find some attractive dark chocolate but without any vegan certification logo? Will you be able to ascertain or tell by the ingredients that the product is indeed vegan? The really great dark chocolates will have lesser ingredients, thus making it easier for you. If your search is for a product that has no animal content, then you must be looking to eliminate dairy. If you observe that the ingredients listed do not contain milk, milk by-products, milk fat, other dairy fat, whey, among others – and you also recognize the other added few ingredients, this could mean that the product in itself is actually or likely animal product free. However, except you know or trust the producer, this won’t solve any production process worries that you may have.
Some vegan products will strictly meet those criteria and some others may have the likelihood of containing traces of milk. The decision is yours to make if such meets your needs!
If you are looking for the ideal vegan chocolate, you should be really serious about quality and ingredients used, as doing so becomes a matter of conscience you must keep on the positive side. If some categories of Belgium hot chocolate products meet your needs, then the cost of investing in some packs may be worth it for you.

The best you can have is our Belgium hot chocolate – the ultimate best online and everyone’s delight! Take a bite now by shopping today!

2016 m. rugpjūčio 8 d., pirmadienis

Summer Fancy Food show in New York

In our previous article, we reminded you of this year s Summer Fancy Food Show. It s a show you wouldn t want to miss, especially if you are in the food industry. If you were in this year s show you wouldn t want to miss it next time. There was really much fun and enough to gain in [ ] The post Summer Fancy Food show in New York appeared first on Belgian chocolate made with the finest ingredients.

2016 m. birželio 3 d., penktadienis

Fancy Food Show

Fancy Food Show North America’s Largest Specialty Food and Beverage Event.  It presents a wide variety products. It is a great opportunity to speak with industry experts and get new and innovative ideas about cooking techniques. Also, it is a chance to participate in various educational seminars and try new tastes.  Discover thousand products including snacks, baking [ ]The post Fancy Food Show appeared first on Belgian chocolate made with the finest ingredients.

2016 m. gegužės 18 d., trečiadienis

Birth of Chocolate

Who says chocolate and culture are not a match? Award-winning photographer Daniel Lorenzetti and his wife Linda Rice Lorenzetti prove the opposite with their beautiful exposition ‘Birth of Chocolate’. Together, they travelled to eight cocoa-growing countries and documented this wonderful journey. Daniel and Linda state that “the goal of The Birth of Chocolate is to enhance the individual’s chocolate experience by providing an understanding of the many people, places and processes involved in bringing chocolate to the table.” Sounds interesting, right? 
So if you’re in Chicago, make sure to pay a visit to the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, 2430 N. Cannon Drive, Chicago, IL.