2016 m. lapkričio 11 d., penktadienis

Sex and Chocolate

Kind reminder: you don’t have to preserve your chocolates until Valentine’s Day to surprise your lover. Also, why offer them in a box when there are so many other wonderful things you can do that will certainly spice up things? Check out the intimate fun section on our ‘collections’ page and enjoy yourselves! https://genauva.com/occasions/intimate-fun/sex-and-play/ The post Sex and Chocolate appeared first on Belgian chocolate made with the finest ingredients.

2016 m. lapkričio 9 d., trečiadienis

Why do we actually eat chocolate?

Why do we eat chocolate? This might seem like a silly question, since the answer is so obvious: because it is super delicious of course! However, it seems that chocolate consumers have many more reasons to choose chocolate over any other treat than just because of its yumminess. Some of these reasons include: Chocolate improves [ ] The post Why do we actually eat chocolate? appeared first on Belgian chocolate made with the finest ingredients.

2016 m. lapkričio 7 d., pirmadienis

Chocolate as Breakfast

We knew it, you knew it, and now there’s scientific proof: it’s a good idea to include some chocolate in your daily breakfast routine. According to a recent study from Syracuse University, chocolate may help brain activity and cognition. Chocolate intake was significantly and positively associated with a variety of tests, including the Global Composite, [ ] The post Chocolate as Breakfast appeared first on Belgian chocolate made with the finest ingredients.

2016 m. lapkričio 4 d., penktadienis

10 Best Ways to Mail Chocolates

To many, Chocolate gifts are the tastiest gifts that anybody could desire to receive. The issue with chocolate gifts, however, is ensuring that they don t melt or get spoilt before they get to their destination! This is very simple if you are delivering the chocolate yourself. Be that as it may, if, then again, [ ] The post 10 Best Ways to Mail Chocolates appeared first on Belgian chocolate made with the finest ingredients.